About Public Relations Activity License

Providing services to public and private institutions regarding preparing and qualifying their employees to keep pace with the campaign, and providing services for organizing seminars, conferences and exhibitions and supervising them in terms of taking over any work related to receiving and farewell, providing housing, transportation, escorting guests and the like, as well as creating commercial events to activate marketing such as festivals and temporary exhibitions and preparing invitations to participate in them.

The name of the activity in the Ministry of Commerce

Public Relations Activity License

: Target group


immediately execution time
23User users number
2000 Riyal Service fee

Rating :

Information about the service

  • The age of the applicant should not be less than 25 years
  • the applicant should be a director of the company in the case of companies (and registered in the commercial registry)
  • The applicant must be the owner of the institution in the case of (institutions)
  • the media activity must be added to the commercial register.
  • 702015
  • Proof of activity.
  • log in to the e-services portal
  • choose a licensing service to run an (Public Relations Activity License) studio
  • complete the required data.
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